The University of Georgia will conduct yet another Week of Literature from 18th to 22nd of April, 20016, dedicated to the World Book Day. Students and Pupils have the opportunity to participate in the UG Literally Contest – “Folio”, which will be held within the week of literature. Winner will receive a special literary prizes – Folio, as well as monetary award.
The jury will evaluate literally pieces and reveal a winner. Criteria of evaluation will include originality and creativity.
1) The competition is bilingual, therefore text may be written in Georgian or English languages (SYLFAEN 11);
2) 1-2 pages, 1.5 line spacing;
3) Name, surname, age, phone number and e-mail must be indicated.
Evaluation Criteria:
A) Originality of the work
B) Creativity
Work will be accepted from April 1st through 20th at the following email address:
Good luck!